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Espionage & James Bond

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James Bond Trivia

I am, as many people are, a Bond fan. I think it is something to do with the Gadgets and the Bond women that do it for many of us, as well as the cars. In what order these come, well, you decide.

Bond Museum

The James Bond Museum, Keswick, England.


MI5 is the UK Security Service.


SIS (also known as MI6), collects Britain's foreign intelligence.


GCHQ provides Government Departments and Military Commands with signals intelligence in support of HM security, defence, foreign and economic policies.

Bletchley Park

Bletchley Park was made world-famous by the film Enigma, which finally brought the work of the British code-breakers during WW2 into the limelight. However, there is more to this stately home and grounds than just Alan Turing and an Enigma machine.


The Cabinet Office Briefing Room A

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